I first met Fanny when I was working for John at Dauphin in Holland Park. She came to help us at our very first Antiques Fair at Olympia and with her brilliant smile and warmth we became instant friends enjoying many a giggle together!
It was Fanny that I turned to when my 13 year old daughter, Juliet, became so unwell with M.E. that I feared for her life. I called Fanny and she arrived at my home immediately and one look at Juliet's ghostly form confirmed that she had similar fears.
Quite by chance, she listened to a programme on the South West about a doctor who treated M.E. patients with miraculous results. Together, we discovered his whereabouts with a practice in London. Within months Juliet was transformed and walking again.
I will always remember my darling Fanny for her huge sympathy during this dreadful time and her thoughtfulness which helped to save my daughter's life.
I shall miss her so very much.